Monday, September 30, 2019

Afterschool program Essay

The combined efforts of the Washington, DC School system and the Woodson Foundation in the development of an Afterschool program to help increase and improve student outcomes. They have identified amply room for improvement. Three of the primary problems in the Washington, DC School systems are truancy, low student performance, and crime. They have also identified new staff (teachers) are quickly burnet out due to their initial enthusiasm in to want to help the students. This has caused a high turnover rate in new teachers, causing the school system to lose some of the best and brightest teachers to other school system in the area. The first stage in building a coalition is to select a representative from each of the organizations which will be involved in the program. This will give equal representation across the team. It has been identified that an Executive Development team should be established. This team will span across a multifunctional area to establish an operating plan for improving school performance. Participation from the Woodson Foundation and Washington, DC School system is the key element of a successful Executive Development team. However, representation from the National Coalition for Parental Involvement in education (NCPIE) should be considered, because they represent for the parent on the behalf of the PTA. The Coalition is in the forming stage of group development. A representative from each of the organizations will need to be assigned to the group. Then the group will need to figure out the groups purpose, structure, and the leadership of the group. In order for the Woodson Foundation to create this cohesive group, the stages of group development will need to be followed. The next step in the group development is storming. The representatives of the different organizations accept that the Executive Development team is needed, however each organization has their own principles they feel is important to the development. The leader is also established in this stage and there is a clear hierarchy of leadership. The third phase is Norming: In this stage, the Executive Development team has a solid group structure and a set of common expectations. Roles are established within this cohesive group.  The fourth stage is Performing: The structure of the Executive Development team is functional and all members accept it. The team is performing the tasks at hand and successfully completing them. The fifth stage is Adjourning. Even though the team is adjourning, they will collect the detailed analysis and put together a presentation of the Operational plan for improving the student’s performance in the After School program. Their findings will give clear direction of how to get the ASP going. One of the primary problems the Woodson Foundation is facing is what organization will lead the Executive Development team. In order for the leaders to lead this primary team, strong leadership and management is needed for top effectiveness. Today’s leaders should challenge themselves to identify status quo, create visions for the future, and inspire organizational members to want to achieve organizational goals and visions. The representatives from each organization of the Executive Development team, has their own vision as to why their organization should take the lead in building the team. The secondary problem the Woodson Foundation is to identify goals and objectives. The Woodson Foundation primary objective is outsider involvement to get a bigger and clearer picture of the program. NCPIE primary objective is having parent imput. They feel the Woodson Foundation can come in and do all they want, however if the parents do not participate the program will not work. Washington, DC School system primary objective is to let the professionals get the job done. The administrators feel they have the background, education, and expertise to spear head the program. These various backgrounds will enable the Executive Development team members, to have an understanding of the needs of the children participating in the ASP. One solution to the problem is building trust between coalition members and parents. The leadership will need to create an environment of trust that is conducive to all. Trust facilitates information sharing, encourages taking risks. However, trust builds a more effect team and enhances productivity (Robbins, pg 315). My second solution would be to identify and define clear responsibilities within the group. Each individual must be responsible and successfully complete research, presentations, and analysis for their areas of focus. This can clearly be accomplished by soliciting input from other team members (Robbins, pg 316). Each member of the group should have some type of training in managing diversity, conflict resolution, team building, and team cohesiveness. All members should have a clear understanding of their roles within the group and promote a climate of trust. Having a clear understanding of the leadership and its structure would better serve the Executive Development team’s primary function. Work Cited Robbins, Judge, Stephen P., Timothy A. Organizational Behavior. 15th Edition. Pearson Learning Solutions, 2012. VitalBook file. Bookshelf.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Pharmasim Preliminary Market Strategy Essay

Allstar Brands’ over-the-counter cold and allergy remedy Allround will continue to be the market leader among OTC cold medicines and continue to increase its stock price over the next decade in order to remain not only competitive, but the premier stock choice among competitors in the OTC cold and allergy remedy market. To further grow the Allround product it is essential to build upon the current strengths of the brand, but also seek additional areas for opportunity and growth. These goals will be accomplished by evaluating competitors entering the OTC cold and allergy remedy market and through careful planning and execution to enhance our current product to meet the desires and needs of consumers. Allstar Brands’ Allround product holds a strong position in the over-the-counter cold and allergy remedy market by being the market share leader, but there is no guarantee this trend will continue. Allround recognizes the need to continue to diversify and reformulate its current product line in order to remain competitive in light of an influx of competition. Allround competes in one of four product categories in the OTC market with no emphasis in the cough, allergy, or nasal categories. We will be better enabled to meet the desires and needs wanted most by consumers by enhancing the current Allround product line. Allstar Brands’ Allround product has been a profitable brand with manufacturer sales of over $355 million in its most recent period. To further increase sales it is crucial to ensure the Allround brand is being sought by all consumers in the OTC cold and allergy remedy market. Recent surveys show the Allround brand did not receive the best shelf space placement and this is a great concern to the future of the brand. It is important Allround reallocates its resources appropriately to maximize the efficiency of our channels of distribution in order to promote our brand to its fullest potential. Allround’s brand effectiveness and high recognition have allowed it to be among the price leaders in the OTC cold and allergy remedy market. This current trend is a great concern to the management team at the OCM group of Allstar Brands. In order to remain competitive Allround must closely monitor all pricing aspects associated with manufacturing and selling the brand. To ensure Allround can maintain a price leadership role in the market it must continually adjust its pricing tactics to better suit its consumers in periods of growth and decline. Allround’s success depends on the consumers who buy its product. To ensure consumers are purchasing our product Allround must offer the greatest value. By promoting our product to the appropriate demographics we can develop more sales and grow our customer base. Allround brand recognizes the need to promote its product through all types of mediums including coupons, point-of-purchase vehicles, and trial-size packages in order to maintain customer loyalty. If Allstar Brands is able to understand its customers on a more intimate basis then it can better provide for desires and needs sought by those purchasing medicine in the OTC cold and allergy remedy market. Situation Analysis The following is a situational analysis of all pertinent aspects of the current state of the market and of the Allround product. Using the â€Å"5 Cs† we have developed an overview of the current situation and hope to present it in a clear and concise manner. This covers the current external factors, major competitor factors, projected customer’s information, fellow distributor’s and retailer’s factors, and current company outlook. -Context: External factors -Collaborators: Who are we using to promote our product, and how do we motivate them? WhoWhyMotivate PharmacistsCustomers value and trust the opinions of pharmacistsMarket that boosting the sales of Allround will also boost drugstores sales Chain DrugstoresStatisticaly a high volume of sales come from thesePromoting this product will boost sales and garner more customers for both Allround and the drugstore Grocery StoresStatisticaly a high volume of sales come from theseConvince that this is the best OTC cold medicine and that stocking this will increase store sales DoctorsDoctors could recommend product to patientsDistribute samples to local doctors to encourage recommendations to patients -Company: Goal? Strengths and weaknesses? GoalsMetricsStrengthsWeaknesses Increase Stock Price10% increase per yearBrand awareness, market share, product quality, high potential growthUnacceptable budget allocation Increase Company Net Income10% increase per yearHigh income, high price, brand awarenessWeak portfolio Increase Company Annual Net Income~$74MBrand awareness, company growth, inelastic pricingSales coverage, Unused R&D capacity Increase Company Utilization~93%#1 product in market, new product line and reformulation optionsAlcohol additive in current formula, budget Increase Shelf Space Rank#1 product in retailBrand awarenessSales coverage and promotion, diluted advertising plan, budget constraints Target Market: The Allround initial marketing plan will be focused on four core groups. The four groups include empty nesters, mature families, singles, and retirees. The main marketing focus will be on singles and empty nesters, as those are our core customers. Singles and empty nesters is Allround’s primary demographic. These 2 groups are the perfect candidates due to their age. Young singles are defined as young adults living alone; Allround was made for fast relief for adults. Young singles, being largely independent, require fast and effective relief from cold symptoms. Empty nesters are classified as older people whose households are now empty. Mature families are also a large group of interest. Mature families usually have older children and are less cautious of the side effects on a teen. The parents of the household are also usually middle aged and still in the workforce, this is a perfect demographic for a fast relief cold medicine. Retired is an important, but already established, market for Allround. Due to this fact the company should focus less advertising on retirees. People past the point of retirement have already been largely exposed to the product. The chance of acquiring new customers from this demographic is low, and the advertising opportunity is past its prime. The marketing team has decided against advertising to young families, at least for the moment. Young families are especially concerned with side effects of medicine. Many families with young children won’t be as interested in adult cold medicines. Therefore, advertising efforts should be focused elsewhere. Allround should look into developing a child’s cold medicine in the future; bundle that with the original formula and market it to young families. Recommendations: Our recommendations are focused on the initial four major company expressed at the beginning of this report. First we will discuss how to improve our product, and by extension customer satisfaction, as well as possible new product lines. Second, we will focus on product placement and improving distribution channels. Third, we discuss possible pricing options and contingencies. Finally, promotion plans and increasing our circulation through major markets. The Allround product is a well recommended and widely trusted OTC cold and allergy medication. To maintain this image we need to further show our customers that we are listening. A major issue with current customers is the alcohol content, and resulting side effects, of the current Allround formula. To improve Allround’s image even further we must reformulate the current product to rid it of alcohol while still maintaining its effectiveness. Customers have also expressed interest in chest decongestant; by again reformulating the product we can add expectorant to further the overall quality of cold symptom relief. A final possibility would be to explore new product line options, such as an improved Allround product or a child’s cold medicine, to diversify the company and reach more markets. Allround has a very high shelf stock, however due to a large number of new competitors this number is decreasing. The first recommendation regarding placement of the product would be to increase the number of detailers to increase support of wholesalers and merchandisers; it is recommended that the number of initial detailers be at least doubled. Secondly, support must be shown for independent drugstores, therefore it is advised that the company allocate more of its sales force to that resource. Finally, more advertising and trial promotions need to be focused on chain drugstores and grocery stores. Allround has consistently been one of the higher priced OTC cold and allergy medicines, justified by its proven quality. Price is more mercurial than other factors in marketing; pricing must be determined on a yearly basis. Inflation rate and marketing forecast must be closely monitored to determine the companie’s actions regarding price. If the market outlook is favorable then price increase should match that of inflation rate; if the market outlook is not favorable the price increase must stay below inflation rate. Following this plan should ensure sales will follow a steady or upward trend, minimizing loss. Allround tries, and largely succeeds, at being a household name. To ensure this stays true promotion must be increased to compete with the influx of competition into the market, to do this we go back to reformulating the product. Due to Allrounds alcohol content, and subsequent side effects, doctors are more apt to recommend competitors with alcohol-free products. Removing the alcohol content would go great lengths in increasing doctor and pharmacist recommendations. More focus needs to be placed on trial promotions, while couponing should stay the same for the base product. Promotion funds need to be more targeted toward our major retailers, chain drug stores and grocery stores, as these largely use circulars and other promotional strategies.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Causes of Teenage Suicide

Causes of Teenage Suicide Essay Teenage suicide is one of the major problems in our society nowadays. Parents struggle to hold their children from a rash venture, but they have no idea that every child is an individual with overwhelming feelings, emotions, and thoughts. While there are plenty of argumentative and expository articles on the Internet with explanation and instruction concerning prevention of teen suicide, parents should find a way with their children, be calm and let their children understand that they can trust their parents. Outline1 Introduction: What is teen suicide?2 What are the causes and effects?3 Conclusion Introduction: What is teen suicide? The majority of people does not really know why teens end up falling back on suicide attempts. They know only the information presented by the media. According to mass media, suicide attempts are common among those teens who suffer depression, violence, abuse, any form of bullying and anxiety. However, if people turned to social sciences such as psychology, sociology or anthropology, they would understand that this problem lies deeper than they thought. Teen suicide has different meanings in different societies. People in our society usually think about suicide as the way to escape problems or as the only solution of all the problems that teens face in their adolescent years. But in other societies, as for example in Micronesia, the youth treats the suicide just the same as smoking or another way to express themselves. According to Gladwell, in Micronesia, teenagers like to experiment with the death just as our youngsters with smoking. Boys and girls in that areas think about suicide as some kind of game. They hang themselves or put their heads in a noose just to entertain themselves. Therefore, there is a risk that they will die from anoxaemia, just as our teens would die from lung cancer and other diseases. What are the causes and effects? From the point of view of anthropology, the youth of the First Nations and other indigenous peoples decide to commit suicide not only because of the depression or stress but because of drink or drug abuse, caused by the cultural and societal collapse. These people are no longer able to control their lives because of the immigrants and governmental laws. It decreases the sense of human worth and life in general and increases the rate of teen suicide. When it comes to sociology, the scientists are certain that the origins of the teen suicide among the First Nations youth are traced back to times when the government tried to assimilate indigenous people to Canadian and European ones. The government established facilities that were oriented on integration and assimilation of Aboriginal and non- Aboriginal people. Such a policy has changed and embittered lives of thousands of people causing irreparable harm for the next generations. It has created a sense of inferiority and deprivation of rights among the youth. Such a cultural collapse has evaluated the importance of lives for the indigenous people nowadays and increase the rate of teen suicide. Psychologists, as representatives of one of the social sciences, have their own explanation and understanding of the suicide.   The psychological state of the individual is the most important aspect when it comes to suicide. One of the causes why the Indigenous people choose death can be the fact that they are not able to satisfy their needs when it comes to accommodation, fitting in society and cultural respect. Moreover, they   don’t feel safe and secure in the environment they are living. The lack of understanding, love, relationships, and sense of belonging leads to an emotionally unstable state. Negative thoughts are overwhelming, the feeling of grief and uselessness prevails causing people to think that they lost their identity and death is the only solution. READ: LInk between homeless and psychological disorders EssayIn his book, M. Gladwell stated that the suicide is committed under the influence of the contagious effect. In some countries, the suicide has become the way of showing your identity and individuality. Gladwell claims that as soon as the media started the publication of suicide stories, the suicide rate has rapidly increased. The research has shown that those under the action of contagious effect, died in the same way as the people by whose death they had been influenced. As Gladwell states, the publication of the suicide story where the victim died in car crash resulted in a growing number of such accidents. Conclusion As a conclusion, it is necessary to admit that teenage suicide is an irretrievable loss for families, friends, colleagues, colleges, and schools. The effects that close people suffer after such losses include depression, the feeling of regret and grief. They are no longer able to live lives to the fullest. To prevent such a loss, parents should always be kind to their children and treat them as individuals. Love, respect, care, understanding, and trust are the most important constituents of the upbringing of your child. Provide your children with the right insight of the world and point out the important values in life in order to set them on the right track.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Exclusive Styles Ladies Boutique Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Exclusive Styles Ladies Boutique - Term Paper Example SWOT analysis (alternately SLOT analysis) refers to a method of strategic planning for the evaluation of Strengths, Weaknesses/Limitations, Opportunities, and Threats that are present in a business venture or a project (Humphrey, Albert, 2005). The SWOT analysis for the Exclusive Style Boutique is as follows: Strengths The boutique will have ‘hit-the-trend’ style clothes which will be a big attraction and will present wide variety to the trendy and contemporary style women. The clothes will be affordable and easily accessible to the women across the globe. The clothe range will be diverse with various choices and different fabrics in the product line. Moreover, additional services like salon, cafe and lounges will be available which will successfully position the boutique in the minds of consumers and will build its brand image. Weaknesses Some of the weaknesses that the boutique may face might include the difficulty to manage the product lines, big staff and the store s pace. It may incur high management costs and difficulties in the management of customer services. The growing popularity of the store would require the management to maintain the presentation of its interior and manage the uniqueness of product, style, and fabric. Opportunities The external environment of Exclusive Styles would provide it good opportunities to avail. For instance, it has been a trend that the young population spends more; therefore, the major target population will be young ladies or the working class who prefer to look and wear well every day. In order to create brand attachment and fame, the store will have a good opportunity to get the brands advertised and endorsed through celebrities. Furthermore, the option of choice,... Regarding the tough market competition, the owner of a small boutique mentioned various designers that have already captured the market and have maintained their own customer bases. They have already positioned them so much in the minds of the customers that it becomes difficult for a new business venture in the same industry to deal with the cutthroat rivalry. Besides all other factors, the market conditions, according to her, present an uncertain climate. There is the recession, variations in exchange rates, laws and regulations of trading, higher expenditures, persistently growing inflation and many other factors which may hinder the progress of a business. Not only may this, but a new business struggling to expand and diversify become difficult to be managed and controlled in terms of its scope and human resource base. Thus, the general opinion given by the boutique’s owner stated that the new business ventures in the industry need to be more competitive and challenging in order to cope up with the existing and the upcoming market conditions. After interviewing the owner, one of the employees from the same boutique was enquired about the work management and the viewpoints. According to her, the customers exhibit a good behavior when they are treated with concentration and are given extra services. For a new business venture to be successful, especially a boutique, it is essential that the employees are kept satisfied with good quality products, better after sale services.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Business Strategy for Nucleon Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Business Strategy for Nucleon - Essay Example This favors Nucleon building its own plant which means higher costs and more time, although it also implies greater control. Contracting also involves more time and an estimated expense of about 4 million dollars. Moreover, there is the danger of confidential information about manufacturing leaking out, although it would free Nucleon’s R&D people to focus exclusively on their specialty which is research – this is also the factor that has propelled Nucleon to the top.   However, in my view, vertical integration is not favored in this case. The reason is that Phase I and II trials are still an experimental stage of development of the drug and all investments made on the pilot plant could be lost, while also deflecting funds from other research work. Contracting out is not a good option due to loss of confidentiality. However, the licensing option offers an excellent situation because it allows risks associated with clinical trials and expenses related to development, marketing and sales of the drug to a third Company, while also protecting Nucleon’s patent on the product. This will allow the Company to focus on its core competencies, i.e, research, and development. One of the developments in management theory is the belief that most firms have only a few â€Å"core competencies† where they possess exceptional skills and abilities.

Kathmandu PowerPoint Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Kathmandu - PowerPoint Presentation Example Built on an octagonal base, the place is filled with colored flags. The surrounding area of the stupa has various prayer wheels along with a large range of statues, five of which known as the Dhyani Buddhas are of special importance for the Nepal’s Buddhist community. A total of 50 monasteries surround the location and nearly 15% of the population in this area is Buddhists. Their characteristic living style with maroon clothing and shaven heads can be seen here in abundance. The Himalayas mountain span over a length of 1500 miles and contains the most highest mountains of the world. The famous Mount Everest can be approached by a 30 minutes flight to an airport known as Lukla airport. Upon arrival to this destination, the visitors most of whom are climbers trek to reach the Namche Bazaar, where modern facilites like internet cafes, hiking equipment, food and accommodation is available. Everest base camp is further away. It was originally the living space of the royal family of Nepal. It has been centuries since they moved away from this place, but this place still remains a main tourist spot in Kathmandu. Visitors are surprised to see the number of temples that are present in this area, which tell the story of a magnificient past of this area. The hanuman Dhoka and the Taleju Temple which was built by Mahenda Malla are famous tourist attractions in this

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Seizing Computers and Obtaining Electronic Evidence in Criminal Essay

Seizing Computers and Obtaining Electronic Evidence in Criminal Investigations - Essay Example The plain view exception indicates that the search warrant holders should seize evidence in plain view. No warrant is needed to seize evidence that is in view. However, in computer devices, this is not applicable. Courts have generally held that law enforcers are entitled to search the entire computing device for evidence in the case of a crime. The law enforcers are encouraged to look for information in the entire device by reviewing every file in the computer. This is major because of the ease with which files in a computer can be camouflaged or hidden in different kinds of names and extensions. Assume that the courts in your jurisdiction are considering requiring a judicially approved ‘search protocol’ before a judge will sign a search warrant authorizing a search of any computer device. Computers can be used to manipulate evidence and make it difficult for authorities to obtain the required information to prosecute or find evidence. Even though law enforcers are allo wed to carry out a search warrant if the courts deem it fit to curtail their mandate they would be forced to oblige, but at the risk of losing vital evidence. If courts restrict searches of computer devices up to the point when a judicial approval is received, suspects can manipulate their devices and do away with what can be incriminating. However, if the judicial approval is needed before a search warrant, then the law enforcers should be allowed to have the devices in their possession to eliminate the risk of the accused tampering with the evidence.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Markting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 1

Markting - Essay Example For example, while considering an automobile company, the customers have a number of different demands, like speed, performance, roominess, while others have demand pertaining to the looks, safety, economy and also the engine power. Thus, the needs are different for different customers and a company cannot accommodate all the demands into one product. There have been various studies that have been conducted and these show that companies which choose one group of customers over another tend to be more successful. Segmentation is not a simple decision and in a number of cases it requires the companies to take extremely tough choices. Taking the example of WM Soft Drinks company, there are a number of variables that are related which need to be considered before segmenting the customers, these include factors like, a) preference in tastes vs. the number of calories, b) preference in the tastes, i.e. cola or non cola, c) price Sensitivity and d) or even heavy versus light customers. Targeting: The next step that needs to taken is targeting. This is where the companies target one or more segments. The choice of the target markets is based on a number of factors. This includes analyzing the existing segments that are catered to by other manufacturers. In this case it would be best to choose the segments that are catered to by smaller companies and local soft drink companies. This will provide WM Company with a fair idea of the target market based on which the company can move forward and start targeting customers and build strategic plans based on this. Positioning: This involves the implementation of the previous section, i.e. Targeting. One of the best examples of this is of Apple Computers. The company has created a brand image for itself by high number of advertisements. It has positioned itself in the markets as computers for ‘non geeks’. Similarly if the WM soft drinks need to position their own products of ‘First – Fruits’ it

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Anti-copper Therapy among Pregnant Women Can Lower the Risk of Wilsons Research Paper

Anti-copper Therapy among Pregnant Women Can Lower the Risk of Wilsons Disease in Their Children - Research Paper Example Therefore, the physicians encourage the pregnant women to use zinc in reducing the amount of copper in their neurological system in a mild way that would not affect the unborn child. Trientine can also be highly effective in treating copper toxicity, while protecting the expectant mothers and her unborn child’s life (Walshe, 129). Some of the measures which health experts would take are a screening test falsification ring assessment and ceruloplasmin serum copper assays. The test relies on a liver biopsy using quantitative copper assays. Immediately a pregnant woman is diagnosed with such symptoms the siblings might be genotyped via making comparison. Medical practitioners advocate for proper use of anti copper therapy. Anti –copper drugs widely used include Trientine, zinc and tetrathiomolybdate. Penicillamine is often administered to pregnant women. Despite its toxicity, it is proven to be the best. Trientine is alternatively used to people who not tolerate Penicillamine and the body responds better notably there is lower quantity of urine copper, which gently reduces to insignificant levels (Schilsky and Scott, 214). In reality, compliance with the recommended therapy and close monitoring of the copper status are the most beneficial practices that patients should observe during treatment. Similarly, the most effectively monitoring tool is used non-ceruloplasmin plasma copper though it also has some side effects; their frequency and impact are minimal. In addition, the neurological worsening especially in the patients using Trientine for the first time is less severe as in Penicillamine. Zinc, it is extremely vital for the maintenance of the therapy. It reduces mettallothionein in the cells. When using copper, urinary secretion of harmful copper is similar to the normal body loading system (Schilsky and Scott, 220). Tetrathiomolybdate, is also used to eliminate copper out of the body, it forms a complex tripartite of

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Discuss Nationalism in the ERa of Good Feelings Essay Example for Free

Discuss Nationalism in the ERa of Good Feelings Essay Nationalism, not sectionalism, was the driving force during the era of good feelings. Nationalism became the leading ideology of the American republic. While sectionalism proceeded in bringing the nation into turmoil and constant bickering among the politicians, as in the case with dealings leading to the Missouri compromise, nationalism was able to unite the nation into a headstrong body, led by an ever-increasing, more powerful central government. Nationalism, many can argue, was a guiding light that helped the populous in Europe unite. As early as the late great Roman Empire, it was that notion of being a part of a uniform body of civil, governed people who helped these places flourish. In early 19th century America, during the Era of Good Feelings as one newspaper put it, Americans began to root themselves in all that the nation stood for which helped them in turn begin to think about moving the United States into a respectable position among the worlds super powers. For example, Stephen Decatur toasts the country and acknowledges that it is our country, for better or for worse. This is a sharp contrast to the views of our founding fathers because George Washington himself, the father of our nation, saluted king George although he was a part of the attempt to establish a separate nation. Poets and writers also began to capture the nations spirit. In her Address to the New York State Legislature, Emma Hart Willard, explains how America has no problem in setting precedents and taking risks for the benefit of the country. For example, did the country take a risk in having a democracy instead of a monarchy? The answer to this question is yes, because no one in the history of the world before America, was able to successfully run a government the way that new nation ran. Although they had to switch from the Articles of Confederation to the Constitution, this just proved that the nation could adapt with its people, thus setting precedents. Sectionalism only succeeded in dividing the country. This is because sectionalists always had their own agendas, which often clashed with that of their opposition. The division of votes on the tariff of 1816 was a pretty noticeable one, although the final vote was not really affected by  non-tariff votes. Sectionalism can be found here in the numbers of each region. The majority of New England Votes were cast against the tariff. This should be of no surprise because New England, which at the time was largely federalist, was against the whole war of 1812 effort from the get go. If it were not for the nationalistic pride of the western and southern regions, this protective tariff would have not been passed. Nationalism creates an atmosphere which attempts to propel the nation forward instead of becoming entangled in issues which cause a separation of agendas, thought, and eventually causes a rift in peoples beliefs. The nationalism brought about by the Era of Good feelings helped the United States get on track to becoming what it is today. If you look at current events, you can see that the United States operates with more fluidity when we have a common enemy instead of creating enemies out of our brethren because of our ideals.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Division Of Labor in Modern Day

Division Of Labor in Modern Day Emile Durkheim was a sociologist who pioneered in the study of social order. He theorized how societies maintained social order on mechanical and organic forms as well as transitions to industrialized society form a primitive one. In a primitive society, people act and think alike because of a mechanical solidarity. On the other hand, an advanced society will have its people in divisions of labor where they are allocated and rewarded accordingly. Both moral and economic regulations are necessary in order for social order to exist and can be achieved by putting in place laws. The transition, therefore from a primitive to an advanced society may cause a crisis which eventually ceases upon maturity into an advanced society. Division of labor has an important role to play in the society since it does not rely on provision of economic services only, but also creates harmony between people. Economists would only look at division of labor as a means to increase production although much more need to be derived from it in form of living in new and better conditions. This fact contrasts with Marx theory which looks down upon division of labor as individualizing people and creating inequality in labor. The core principal why division of labor is vital is that humans derive happiness in being free to possess material thing and to seek them. This makes its influence to be on a personal level and based on ones psychological liking. Specialization in the face of division of labor creates a need in individuals to operate on a communal basis so that they may maximize the returns and hence increased happiness. As opposed to Marx theories, private property will not achieve much and he proposes a communal setting. The application of Durkheims theory on division of labor may be of great value to modern society. He uses scientific methods to explain the source and evolution of an ordered society. This gave rise to sociology which envisions the society as being composed of several factors which must act in tandem. Wherever there is a common ideology between people living together, they tend to have creative thinking that can be of use to them. This works well especially if they are great in numbers since they can always support each other. Division of labor has had a history of revolution to what it is today. Chapter 5: The Increasing Preponderance of Organic Solidarity and its Consequences Durkheim, in his division of labor theory proposes an organic like solidarity. The presence of laws to govern and regulate the society in that solidarity is essential. But what is ironical is that laws governing a society are sometimes repressive and apply to specific parts. The relationships in a society that would require penal measures are few compared to areas where say domestic, contractual and commercial laws may find application. The solidarity that may be sought by a common conscious society does not get the fullest expression in law. Cooperative law does not meet the threshold to enable social cohesion to take place. There is need to find relationships that exist although it has not been done previously. Organic solidarity contribution to the general harmony of a society need to be studied in detail and understood so that its application may be of benefit. An individual attachment to a society in dependent on a number of factors which includes forces and bonds which in turn may be strong or weak. This however may not be a reason why an individual may choose to remain in or leave a society. A case in study is the traditional tribal chiefs who got left by their followers in case of misunderstanding or difference in opinion. Under division of labor, events are somewhat different since people tend to rely on each other to meet their needs. A society would never risk being isolated from the rest of humanity because what they lack in provisions is obtained from the other society. An individual in such a circumstance of isolation may feel isolated and disturbed. To counter this, some tribes have systems of incorporating new members into the society by naturalization or adoption. A good example is Romans who provided refuge for those conquered during the war and hence the primitive society grew. The adopted individual was supposed to absorb the practices and beliefs of this new society. Solidarity ensures the person sticks if and only if there is harmony and relationships are maintained. There are various rules forbidding acts contrary to the sentiments of the collectivity which are either positive or negative and may involve such fields as religion, nationality, domesticity, work, traditions and sexual relations. Others have to do with personal conduct and possessions. Each of these sentiments has respective rule which may change over time according to the society and its level of advancement. In is notable that some of the rules have origin in the Ten Commandments or even in ancient civilizations like Greek and Romans. Morals were very important and an accusation of failure to comply was punishable. For example sentiments dealing with sexual relations are punishable according to the Pentateuch and various verses in the Bible support this. In addition, the Romans and Greeks too would define those acts they deemed immoral and either fine or punish the offender. Many other civilizations like Egyptians and West African tribes had ways to punish crimes committed and in different ways. Each crime on the other hand has different punitive measures it attracted. In religion, a number of taboos, sacrifices and rites were observed to please the deities. An individual failure to follow the norm could be deemed an outcast or even killed. Sexual immorality too had set down rules defining for example the kind of normal relationships and abnormal ones. The rules and regulations that existed sometimes ago were not always perfect and or applicable to each emerging situation. Slaves for example, despite being human, were excluded from justice whether they were against the society laws on not. In many societies, children are treated differently from adults and this can contribute their rights being denied. Modern society has nevertheless grown and so has the regulation that need to be in place. But what is evident is that no new rules have been introduced; only the intensity of their application has increased. The area of jurisdiction has also moved from the general society to be more individual oriented. Religion has been the most complex factor contributing to differences in social life. Each religion has its own deity and ways of life which need not necessarily conform to other people in order for them to exist. Further, religion has seen people make choices on where to live, who to associate with, eating habits, dressing and many other aspect of life. In primitive societies, such issues brought about many conflicts albeit in modern society, they have declined due to emergence of other aspects and disciplines of life. Economics, politics and other sciences have led people to differentiate between religion and social life; these two used to be synonymous. Any problem can thus be dealt with according to the field it belongs. Traditions have too been a hindrance because of the many and diverse teachings from the ancestors. Proverbs which encouraged or discouraged people in their endeavors still have power over peoples life. They in fact created a course on which an individual had to pass through out their life. Comparing one society to another is important so as to learn the best ideals for the modern ones. Division of labor in the face of all progressions in societies has been forefront in defining if those societies survive or perish. It is the division of labor that has acted as a glue to stick individuals together and whole societies in general. Modern technology and studies will help in learning the best forms of societies to maintain. Chapter 2: The Forced Division of Labor Existence of rules does not necessarily mean harmony. It is the same rules that make it possible to have evil in society. For example in a class was, division of labor created conflicts since those in the lower class may not be content with their share and contribution. This fact contrasts in other organisms which regardless of their position still maintain their class and work towards achieving goals assigned to them without desire to occupy other elements position or role. The scenario is different when it comes to human society because of ambitions and desires. No one can argue that they were destined for a particular type of job or live. When such discomforts arise it is then inevitable to change course and seek fulfillment elsewhere. Division of labor as already discussed is meant to produce solidarity and since this can not be achieved in cases of imitation common to humans, change and adjustments are necessary. A good case was recorded between plebeians and patricians where division of labor existed. Sooner, the plebeians began to imitate the upper class and sought the same roles they had because they had reached a point to see everyone in equal times. Conflicts arose resulting to a conclusion that solidarity can only be imperfect for it to exist. An individual nature must be in harmony with all social functions failure to which division of labor can not occur. This is achieved by realizing different abilities each an individual has and the skills they possess. But still there are some people who set higher goals beyond their abilities and therefore happiness is to them comes only after fulfilling their dreams. To such people, they should be made to understand that proportionality to ones means is important. Spontaneity becomes an element of use in every social setting where solidarity is implied. Individuals must also be able reject forced labor and no obstacles should hinder their pursuit to fit in any position. Caste system has seen people with abilities prevented from accessing jobs even though they have ability to perform. In modern times a trend similar can be found in some careers where it becomes very difficult to be absorbed or as if one is not right to be found there. Inequalities of this kind however have been in decline as people embrace fairness in employment for instance in public sector. Organic solidarity is compromised by external inequalities and this is by far felt by higher societies. Interesting enough is the fact that although individuals may feel dissatisfied because of inequalities; they will not be against the social order which is the root cause. They continue to support it considering that they derive beliefs and practices from the same society. The social order has also morals and religious systems that are deemed sacred. Inequalities are bound to be natural in such circumstances that an individual will suffer alone without raising eyebrows. In contrast, every cause affecting organic solidarity weakens the social bond. If any condition is touched then the whole set up suffers greatly and it translates to individuals disengaging from the social order. Equality is vital in external conditions so as to secure an individual to his or her function. All higher societies may require a consensus and shield themselves from any disturbance. The main difference between primitive and higher societies is the presence of voluminous laws that govern them. Contractual solidarity comes into play for the society to continue to live in harmony. Everything in any society has a social value that represents the usefulness of it towards meeting peoples needs. This value can not be measured mathematically but can only be felt. If it fluctuates, which can be caused by abnormal activities, the effort received must equal the effort given to create equilibrium. But generally humans would rather receive more than what they gave out thus a constraint need be in place to counter this effect. A sufficient condition for an equivalence to take place is that parties under a contract be placed under equal external conditions. When equality is achieved, complains become less and every individual therefore feels content. Contracts therefore will lead to consensus after having been through the necessary relations like ceremonies, intentions and formulae. Just as in the ancient civilizations, Romans, the rule and application of law was important in determining if a contract is null and void. Modern societies tend to shy away from real application of law and refuse to accept certain aspects of contracts. Example is when one party is placed at the mercy of the other and therefore becomes oppressed because they are weak. The public conscience will demand equal treatment and also value for whatever transaction there was. Economists have contributed by pointing out the spontaneity of social life should be devoid of constraint which only makes it deviate from natural causes. Morality and freedom are two values that ought to be checked so that they remain within the set limits. Regulation eventually brings about liberty. Some areas where inequality is observed are, for instance, physical strength and domestic life where each man can be higher or lower in comparison to another. This means then that liberty is not present. All external forces must be subordinate to social forces for social life to develop. It requires a man to sober up and become a social being in order that he can live with nature in harmony. Modern societies, unlike previous ones, need to work hard to mend social relationships. Moving away from the past where segmented social life was common to organized and developed societies. The earlier people depended on faith to survive and modern ones require justice. It is important to pursue these conditions as long as social revolution remains and no factors change. Relationship between the two chapters: The two chapters deal with organic solidarity and its merits and demerits in social life. As has been discussed in both chapters, division of labor is a very important feature in every social life. It ensures that people are left a choice to make the best out of their lives by embarking or playing on roles that would be beneficial to them. Both chapters encourage presence of division of labor with one insisting on presence of regulation and the other dealing with inequalities and external forces. Solidarity ensures unity so that whatever a person may wish to acquire can be achieved by depending on another say for assistance. The individual person is also considered the most important in the society since he is the smallest unit that defines what that society will look like. Therefore, the individual despite being regulated in his endeavor for sustainability also need to have certain freedoms. Regulation can happen by putting in place laws that will govern the daily undertakings of man to an extent where nobody is liable to cause conflicts. These laws must therefore be just and fair to every member of a society. Freedom in a society is also encouraged so that each individual acts in accordance with their abilities. This then means that systems which do not promote freedom of choice like the caste system need to be abolished to pave way to freer societies. Freedom can too be extended to material possessions whereby each person can possess as much as he may require in achieving happiness. Religion despite it playing a center stage in moral development should not be a hindrance to social progress. Elimination of forced labor is essential so as to ensure a person makes his choices out of free will and they are not coerced to follow a direction against their wish. Employment especially in public places should be done by considering ones abilities and skills and not the social background they come from. Equality is another factor that has been emphasized in both chapters; be it in accordance to an individual in relation to another or to factors affecting social life. In regard to an individual, equality comes about when transacting goods and services with other people. It ensures that a service received is commensurate to the one rendered and that no party gets to oppress the other. Isolation of an individual by the rest of the society is also considered to ensure that they become as much part of a society as possible. In conclusion, both chapters stress the need for division of labor in modern societies if they have to last. Such therefore can be attained in an environment where there is harmony, solidarity, equality, liberty, and just regulation. Durkheim, being the father of sociology, has made immense contribution and his theories if put to work can work for the benefit of mankind.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Equality: Free at Last! Essay -- essays research papers

â€Å"The good neighbor looks beyond the external accidents and discerns those inner qualities that make all men human, and, therefore, brothers.† Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once preached this to his congregation at Ebenezer Baptist Church. I found this to be true on a trip I took to the Deep South with a group I am in called Operation Understanding Hampton Roads. OUHR promotes the interaction between Jewish and African American students in order to learn about each others cultures. In the Deep South, my OUHR group visited several cities which were significant to the civil rights movement, such as Selma, Montgomery, Birmingham, and Atlanta. Since I have grown up in a racially tolerant house, I felt I had nothing to gain from the trip besides an enjoyably week with my new OUHR friends. Much to my surprise, it was in these cities where I learned the true meaning of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s words. It is important to be a participant in life rather than a bystander hel d fast by prejudice and convention.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The city that changed my perspective the most was Birmingham, Alabama. Our tour guide showed me the light. We arrived in Birmingham in the pouring rain and stopped in front of an old church on 16th street. Suddenly, a very warm and hearty woman’s voice rang over the speaker in the bus; â€Å"Aight boo’s, er’rybody best get off this bus befo’ I start crackin’ em!† This was my first glimpse of Joanne Bland. She lined my group up on the stairs to what we soo... Equality: Free at Last! Essay -- essays research papers â€Å"The good neighbor looks beyond the external accidents and discerns those inner qualities that make all men human, and, therefore, brothers.† Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once preached this to his congregation at Ebenezer Baptist Church. I found this to be true on a trip I took to the Deep South with a group I am in called Operation Understanding Hampton Roads. OUHR promotes the interaction between Jewish and African American students in order to learn about each others cultures. In the Deep South, my OUHR group visited several cities which were significant to the civil rights movement, such as Selma, Montgomery, Birmingham, and Atlanta. Since I have grown up in a racially tolerant house, I felt I had nothing to gain from the trip besides an enjoyably week with my new OUHR friends. Much to my surprise, it was in these cities where I learned the true meaning of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s words. It is important to be a participant in life rather than a bystander hel d fast by prejudice and convention.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The city that changed my perspective the most was Birmingham, Alabama. Our tour guide showed me the light. We arrived in Birmingham in the pouring rain and stopped in front of an old church on 16th street. Suddenly, a very warm and hearty woman’s voice rang over the speaker in the bus; â€Å"Aight boo’s, er’rybody best get off this bus befo’ I start crackin’ em!† This was my first glimpse of Joanne Bland. She lined my group up on the stairs to what we soo...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Pro-Choice Argument Essay -- Abortion, Argumentative, Pro-Choice 2014

Thou shalt not kill; one-tenth of what may arguably be the most famous guidelines of morality in the western culture, and also the main driving force for pro-life advocates. The argument supporting their beliefs typically starts with the premises that a fetus is a person, and to destroy or to kill a person is unethical. Therefore abortion, the premeditated destruction of a human being, is murder, and consequently unethical. I deny the fact that the fetus, what I will refer to as an embryo up to 22 weeks old, has the right to live. The opposing argument is invalid because a fetus, although perhaps a part of human species, is not formally a person. This leaves it simply to be a part of the woman?s body, whose fate lies solely in the hands of the pregnant woman alone, no different from a tumor she might have. By proving this, the abortion debate then becomes an issue of women?s rights, something that is most controversial indeed. Furthermore, it is fair to question the credibility of many people against abortion because of obvious contradictions in the logic of their belief systems. The fact that this debate is relevant in modern society is ludicrous since there is a simple and plausible solution to this problem that could potentially end the debate for good, leaving both sides satisfied. In order for the pro-life argument to be valid, it must have both a true premise and true conclusion. It falls short of validity by assuming that a fetus up to 22 weeks old is a person, and has its own rights independent of its host, or what we often refer to as its mother. First we must recognize the subtle, yet extremely important distinction between a human being and a person. It is obvious that a fetus is a member of the human ... ...erty and Human Rights? Ethics & International Affairs, Volume 19, No. 1 Spring 2013. Web 14 April 2014 . ?Total Midyear Population for the World: 1950-2050? U.S. Census Bureau 26 April 2012. Web 8 April 2014 . ?Teen Pregnancy ? So What Feb 2014. Web 8 April 2014 . Connolly, Ceci ?As Teen Pregnancy Dropped, So Did Child Poverty? Washington Post 9 Jan 2014. Web 14 April 2014 ?113th Congress Scorecard? WAND Web 14 April 2014 . ?His and Her Demographics: Women and Men 2010? U.S. Census Bureau Web 14 April 2014.

BCG Growth Share Matrix :: essays research papers

Dublin Institute of Technology MSc COMPUTING SCIENCE (Information Technology for Strategic Management) BCG Growth Share Matrix Research Assignment No. 2 The BCG Growth-Share Matrix The BCG Growth-Share Matrix is a portfolio planning model that was developed by Bruce Henderson of the Boston Consulting Group in the early 1970's. It is based on the observation that organisations business units can be classified into four categories based on combinations of market growth and market share relative to the largest competitor. Market growth serves as a proxy for industry attractiveness, and relative market share serves as a proxy for competitive advantage. The growth-share matrix thus maps the business unit positions within these two important determinants of profitability. Growth Share Matrix ( This framework assumes that an increase in relative market share will result in an increase in the generation of cash. This assumption often is true because of the experience curve; increased relative market share implies that the firm is moving forward on the experience curve relative to its competitors, thus developing a cost advantage. A second assumption is that a growing market requires investment in assets to increase capacity and therefore results in the consumption of cash. Thus the position of a business on the growth-share matrix provides an indication of its cash generation and its cash consumption. Henderson reasoned that the cash required by rapidly growing business units could be obtained from the firm's other business units that were at a more mature stage and generating significant cash. By investing to become the market share leader in a rapidly growing market, the business unit could move along the experience curve and develop a cost advantage. From this reasoning, the BCG Growth-Share Matrix was born. The four categories are: o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Dogs. Dogs have low market share and a low growth rate and thus neither generate nor consume a large amount of cash. However, dogs are cash traps because of the money tied up in a business that has little potential. Such businesses are candidates for divestiture. o  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Question marks. Question marks are growing rapidly and consume large amounts of cash, but because they have low market shares they do not generate much cash. A question mark has the potential to gain market share and become a star, and eventually a cash cow when the market growth slows. If the question mark does not succeed in becoming the market leader, then after perhaps years of cash consumption it will degenerate into a dog when the market growth declines.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

International Coffee Market Essay

Due to the international coffee bean price significantly fluctuate from 1996 to 2009, the global coffee also has same change between this year. This paper will look at changes on global coffee market based on five parts. First of all, describing several reasons cause variation of global coffee market. The second part will illustrate market structure of international coffee industry. Then, based on coffee market structure, explaining which strategy they are using and reason of coffee companies choosing these strategies. Furthermore, indicating the cost and benefit of strategy used by coffee companies. Finally, this paper would focus on the relationship between macroeconomic changing and coffee industry. Since global economic dramatically growing, there are three events effect coffee bean price in terms of new planting supplies, increasingly less coffee famers planting coffee beans and establishing new coffee market. Due to outstanding coffee beans productive capacity in Vietnam and Brazil, there are 113 million bags for supply and 106 million bags for demand, it is 40 million bags bean as a gap between demand and supply in 2002(John, 2010:37). As a support, John (2010:36) stated that when a or more than one crucial of supply change (except price events), the whole supple curve will shift. It is indicated by figure 1 in the appendix which shows S1 shift to S2, contributed by new significant supply (Vietnam and Brazil). As a result, whole coffee bean market get a new equilibrium point at e2 which has lower price in Pe2 and higher quantity in Qe2, comparing with e1. However, John (2010:36) also clam that most of coffee market workforce worked in poor financial circumstances that living as debt, and others abandon their land and property in farmland to migrated into city. Otherwise, lots of farmers in order to chasing higher profits by quit coffee industry, especially, Vietnamese famers instead growing coffee bean to illegal substances—coca. It is obviously decrease capacity of coffee bean production. Finally, some research reported that the annual GDP growth rate of China was approximately in 8%, which means Chinese disposable incomes increase steady from 1980. Consequently, with improvement of life style in China, the demand curve of international coffee production is shift (from D1 to D2). In that case, new equilibrium point move from e2 to e3 (figure 2). It is clear that price of global coffee bean price would be influenced by establish new market which mean other alternative factor of demand except price would shift demand curve, and equilibrium point would move into new position(John, 2010:36). The international coffee market is leaded by several roaster coffee firms which are classified as oligopoly Over half of international coffee productions are dominated by 4 firms: Kraft, Nestle, Procter and Gamble (John 2010:37), this market structure is named as oligopoly which include two main features. One of the main feature is, in oligopoly the dominated firms establish various barriers for preventing new firms entrance. In this case, new coffee roaster firms are tough to participate in this industry, because most percentage of coffee productions processing, which include processing line and coffee manufacturing technology, and coffee bean import or export market are under dominated firm control. However another feature is each of firms in oligopoly structure is compete with their rivals in changing price, adverting strategy and target market. This is supported by John(2010:136) who argued that anticipating rivals reaction is very essential and crucial for oligopolist adjusting their action. In the oligopoly coffee roaster firms, it is lack of competitor in this industry. Thus, these multinationals could influence merchandise of coffee in supermarket or retail coffee shop. In this case, these firms are easy making price of each coffee production, even price of global coffee bean is fluctuated during these decades. This is followed by an explanation, John (2010:37) argued when a consumer purchased a $3 regular cup of coffee, it is only include 25 cents cost of coffee bean. Most of consumer’s payments of coffee contained wages of staff, overheads and advertising expenses plus enormous profit earned by coffee roaster companies. In economic theory, firms could maximise profit when marginal cost (MC) equal to marginal revenue (MR). As result of price leader firms control the market average price, these firms could sell goods in a higher price but same quantity, in that case, oligopoly firm could earn more profit. However, in a non-collusive oligopoly situation which means evens few firms dominated the coffee market, each of rivals changing merchandise price and market strategy could significant influence other firms decision. This firm’s choice of strategy is known as game theory which is described by table 1 (John 2010:141). In today international coffee market, these coffee roaster multinational always alter their price or marketing strategy to attracting more consumers prefer to their brand or products. Otherwise, optimal strategy could beat other main competitors in international coffee market. This is followed by an example, Bhaskar (2009) indicated that Starbucks implemented a well-integrated marketing program that would utilize a marketing mix 4P (product, price, place, and promotion) that would satisfy the needs and wants of its target market. Especially, Paul (2009) reported that Starbuck recently offer $1 per bottomless in 8 oz, with unlimited refills to emphasizing Starbucks’ products with less price cost but higher value in normal business and social performance. Utilisation of these aggressive strategies Starbucks attract increasingly customers from other rivals and earn massive profit to becoming a multinational in global coffee market. Whereas, as game theory shows that both Starbucks and other competitor could not maximise profit for each parts. Furthermore, this competition between these firms could increase average cost in entire coffee market, as a result, profit of whole coffee industry would drop in a long term. In macroeconomic, the international coffee market contributed into two parts: unemployment and income. Householders willing to purchase more quantities than before due to disposable income increasing, when entire economic growth steady. Consequently, huge profit of coffee market is created by increasingly customer consumption. After that ratio of employment is growth, because coffee companies improve product capacity to content vast householders demand of consuming coffee in daily life. However, the rate of employment and disposable income of householders would decline, when the recession is coming. It is clear that relationship of householders and coffee industry could describe as a circular flow, each of these two parties influence to both sides in a significant effect in macroeconomic environment. To sum up, this essay has analyse a brief overview of alternative in nternational coffee market in five fields: firstly, the several direct reason of global coffee market. Secondly, it argued coffee market as a type of non- collusion oligopoly which using aggressive price and marketing strategy in coffee market. Furthermore, this paper also illustrates benefit and cost due to this strategy is used by dominated firm. Finally, the effect of macroeconomic in coffee industry is like a circular flow, which means coffee industry and householders could influence and relate to each other.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Addressing International Legal and Ethical Issues Essay

The â€Å"Addressing International Legal and Ethical Issues† simulation explored the factors one must consider when an American corporation enters an international contractual relationship with a foreign business partner. The issues presented are as follows: What are the issues involved in resolving legal disputes in international transactions? The legal issues involved in resolving legal disputes in international transactions are the selection of which set of laws to follow and the forum used for dispute resolution. Specificity used in writing international contracts provides a clear structure for resolving potential legal issues. When defining the set of laws to follow in an agreement, one’s selection must consider the respective laws and regulations of the countries of origin for both companies as well as the involvement of any multi-national organizations such as the World Trade Organization, also known as the WTO. When selecting a forum, one must select between local courts of either business partner or international arbitration, either binding or non-binding. See more:  Perseverance essay What are some practical considerations of taking legal action against a foreign business partner based in another country? Local political climate, impact to future business, length of time for proceedings, and effect on local public goodwill are practical considerations when deciding on whether to take action against a foreign business partner. These factors will decide if the potential financial gain of such a move will outweigh the long term financial, ethical, and legal impact to all parties involved. Additionally, one must consider possible intervention from the American or foreign governments as well as prevailing international organizations. What factors could work against CadMex’s decision to grant sublicensing agreements? Deciding to sublicense the production of CadMex’s drugs creates potential concerns of quality, time, and costs. CadMex must ensure it protects the quality of generic versions of its products by sublicensed manufacturers. Both CadMex and the local companies in companies must review the costs involved with establishing manufacturing in Candore. CadMex has the additional responsibility of factoring the cost of sublicensing to its earnings. Finally, the time needed to establish sublicensing agreements and local manufacturing may be an obstacle to success in this arrangement. When the local customs and laws conflict with the customs and laws of an organization operating abroad, which should prevail? Explain why. Situation dictates whether local customs and laws or the laws and customs of an organization operating abroad will prevail during a conflict. This is due to the potential impact of any legal action to the companies involved, the local population, and the governments of both organizations. In the â€Å"Addressing International Legal and Ethical Issues† simulation, CadMex was required to consider local religious practices, the potential impact of a union strike and lawsuit, as well as any potential violation of American labor laws. How would you compare the issues in this simulation to the domestic legal issues discussed in your Week One readings? How should companies resolve domestic and international issues differently? The Week One readings reviewed the advantages and concerns with arbitration compared to litigation as a forum for resolving domestic legal issues in business. When resolving international issues, the laws of both countries affect which forum provides the best resolution, although international arbitration is recommended to avoid bias in local courts or the time and expense involved with litigation in either country. References Apollo Group, Inc. (2004). Addressing International Legal and Ethical Issues . Retrieved October 12, 2013, from University of Phoenix eCampus: https://ecampus. phoenix. edu/secure/aapd/vendors/tata/UBAMSims/business_law1/busine ss_law1_intl_legal_ethical_simulation. html Melvin, S. P. (2011). The Legal Environment of Business: A Managerial Approach: Theory to Practice. . New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

Sunday, September 15, 2019


Monomaniac's â€Å"Games For Change Keynote† lecture is about how much of an influence games have on society and the impact it can bring. Her two main questions to answer during this lecture are â€Å"What can games change? † and â€Å"What do games change? † MacDougal presents a list of some people's twitter responses to what games do for them. The first few responses refer to ones emotional state. People with Initial negative emotions such as sadness and anxiety can play games and end up feeling much better. Another change she presents Is â€Å"mental resilience†.This refers too arson's mindset and how it Is altered with games. It Is possible for people's confidence and performance levels to Increase after some time playing games. The next thing MacDougal talks about Is â€Å"social resilience†. How people socialize and Interact with the people around them can change with game play as well. For example, many of the games In the present day are mul tilayer and present an option to connect with players around the world. This creates socializing and Interacting with other online players who may even be real life friends.Before she alas about the science and data behind her lecture she gives us a list of how we can measure these changes when playing games. The list includes analyzing emotional, mental, neurological, social, self-efficacy, and engagement levels. In more general terms, MacDougal believes that â€Å"games can change your life. † MacDougal talks about an interesting mission of hers for this talk, which is to â€Å"increase the lifespan of everyone in this room by seven and a half minutes† and even provides a formula to show where she got that specific number.A good point she brings up is that on our deathbeds, many people may end up regretting all the time they devoted to playing games. Many people will say that the time spent in front of a game console or computer controlling a virtual character could have been used more wisely. She presents to the audience a list of the top five regrets people have. These regrets are working too hard, not staying in touch with friends, not allowing yourself to be happier, not truly expressing yourself, and not living the life that stayed true to your ideas. MacDougal goes on to say that each one of these regrets can be answered by laying games.The first regret of working too hard can be because people wish they had spent more time with their family and kids. Games are the perfect solution for this regret. Playing games with friends and family can definitely strengthen bonds and relationships. The second regret of not keeping in touch with friends can also be fixed through social games. MacDougal gives the example of social games such as Words with Friends and Formative that keeps people connected with others. The benefit games also produce Is that no matter how distant two people are, they canInteract with each other by these games. Games are al so scientifically proven to fix the third regret, which is not letting yourself be happier. MacDougal provides data from an East Carolina university stating that online games have actually outperformed clinical activities of depression when It comes to making someone happier. The fourth regret of not expressing yourself more can be solved by creating virtual avatars and characters that can be molded and shaped Into whoever you desire. The last regret on the list is not living a life true to your dreams.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Scrutinizing Adultery in the East Asian milieu through East Asian films

The ThinkExist dictionary states that adultery means immorality or unchastity of thinking as well as demeanour, as outlawed by the seventh commandment. It is the â€Å"unfaithfulness of a married person to the marriage bed; sexual intercourse by a married man with another other than his wife, or voluntary sexual intercourse by a married woman with another other than her husband†.It is regrettable that adultery is becoming extensive and out of control in the society of today. The fact that adultery is becoming widespread is perhaps due to the moral disposition of a particular country and its inhabitants or lack of appropriate implementation of the laws on adultery of a certain country.Astoundingly, adultery can be investigated in diverse contexts depending on the mores or background surrounding which adultery has been looked into. This write-up seeks to explore the concept of adultery in the East Asian context or perception by way of East Asian films or other creative or litera ry works for that matter.In the article Adultery and Bigamy in China, Jeffrey Hays describes how adultery is being depicted in the book â€Å"Bound Feet and Western Dress† by Pang-Mei Natasha Chang. Hays pointed out that the Chinese author Pang-Mei Natasha Chang tells the story of her great aunt Yu-I through this book.The book starts with the childhood days of Yu-I, her arranged marriage to Hsu Chih-Mo (her husband who was unfaithful to her), their divorce and the profession she later had. In this book, the author Pang-Mei Natasha Chang is told by her great aunt Yu-I, â€Å"You always ask me if I loved Hsu Chih-Mo, and you know I cannot answer this. It confuses me, this question, because everyone always tells me that I did so much for Hsu Chih-Mo, I must have loved him.In my entire life, I have never said to anyone, ‘I love you.' If caring for Hsu Chih-Mo and his family was love, then maybe I loved him†. Without a doubt, the book â€Å"Bound Feet and Western Dre ss† enlightens readers of the story of the earliest contemporary adultery in China.The adultery committed by Hsu Chih-Mo, the husband of Yu-I, in the narrative was stimulated by the actuality that the characters in the story were involved in an arranged marriage which is common in China.Arranged marriages can fuel or can cause adulterous acts to be perpetrated by either the husband or the wife with another woman or man correspondingly because of the fact that these types of marriages brings into the marital union two persons who are completely strangers to each other.These strangers are compelled to treat each other as husband and wife without being given the opportunity to know each other well. Hence, it becomes inevitable for any of the spouses to seek extramarital affection through illicit affairs with someone other than their spouses the moment they discovered that they are not really in love with the person they have married.Jeffrey Hays in the article Adultery and Bigamy in China laments that â€Å"simplified marriage procedures have led to a rise in bigamy†. In the past, according to Hays, it was ordinary for rich Chinese men to marry three or four women simultaneously. The wives had diverse responsibilities. They regularly had shared duties in the rearing and raising of their different children.The Chinese authorities plan to make public the nationwide marriage registry online so that wives can investigate their spouses and be convinced that they are not married to other women. The scheme has been initiated in order to eradicate bigamy and other adulterous conduct especially among Chinese men.The Chinese movie â€Å"In the Mood for Love† is another artistic work that depicts adultery in East Asian perspective. The director of the film is Wong Kar Wai. TKL, the assessor of the movie, states that regardless of all the hitches that occurred while the movie was being filmed, it turned out to be one of the best works of Wong Kar Wai.The film, according to TKL, is a soppy work of art that tells the story of a â€Å"couple in love and of lost opportunities†. The central characters in the movie, namely Mrs. Chan and Mr. Chow (Tony Leung) are both married to their respective spouses.They, however, got acquainted with each other and soon traded glimpses and lovely salutations towards each other. An extramarital affair soon began between the two characters after they have determined that their respective spouses were having an illicit affair.TKL continues his movie review by stating that Mrs. Chan and Mr. Chow initially wanted to map out how the illicit affair of their respective spouses began â€Å"until they unknowingly fell in love with each other too†.Mrs. Chan turned down the idea of fostering their extramarital relationship on account of her guilt feelings and on account of the fact that she did not want to be unfaithful like her husband and the wife of Mr. Chow. The film is clouded with romantic pass ions and unexpressed emotions.TKL declares that there was absence of societal restriction and there was no genuine disapproval for adultery. â€Å"The movie carries such pessimistic views†, TKL continues. â€Å"There is no positive message about fighting for love, or overcoming obstacles for love or even that love conquers all†.The movie mainly depicts the lives of those people who are not daring when it comes to love and prefer not to take the risks and spend the rest of their lives in disappointment and misery as a result. It shows how chances that once were lost could be lost perpetually.This Chinese motion picture suggests a familiar view that happiness can be obtained through a prohibited relationship with another person and such bliss can be forever unachievable if one were to select the rightful path. The rightful path is the path that invites one to forget one’s feelings towards someone who is not his or her spouse and evade extramarital relationship.Sou th Korea is one more country besides China which is situated in East Asia. South Korean dramas or motion pictures have achieved prominence and intense popularity in the past years. South Korean actors and actresses themselves have achieved tremendous recognition not only in South Korea but also in other states particularly in Asia and in the countries in the West.Cedric Collemine, in his article Adultery is Secret of Dramas’ Success, proclaims that when unfaithfulness is the main account of a new motion picture or a drama series in South Korea, spectators criticize and state that they have enough of the theme. Nevertheless, it was determined that these same spectators continue to be fastened to their television screens.Spectators pass judgment on stories about adulterous affairs but they still get pleasure from watching them. â€Å"And the more infidelity a show has, the higher its TV ratings are†. Collemine continues his scrutiny by relating that SBS will show a fresh drama series entitled â€Å"The Other Woman† and to separate this drama series from the other drama series, it will illustrate several unsafe extramarital relationships.To demonstrate uniqueness, Collemine states that the conception of the drama â€Å"The Other Woman† is â€Å"double infidelity†. A lady in the drama suffers extreme heartaches because of the illicit affairs committed by her spouse, but then she herself is committing adultery.It is important to mention that the plot that one person suffered pain due to the adulterous relationship of his or her spouse and then later finds himself or herself to fall into another traitorous relationship is parallel to the movie ‘April Snow’, starring Bae Yong-joon and Son Ye-jin.â€Å"My Rosy Life† is another South Korean drama series that is featured in the article Adultery is Secret of Dramas’ Success by Cedric Collemine. The story of â€Å"My Rosy Life† starts with a woman who â €Å"looks back into her own life after her marriage is in shambles after her husband committed adultery†. Jee-su, the central character in the narrative, is a staunch housewife for a decade.Her other half, Jae-min suddenly makes a shocking announcement. The shocking announcement is that Jae-min, her husband, is in love with another woman. He demands a divorce from his wife whom he has been married for thirteen years in order to live with another woman whom he has been having an affair for only two months.Jae-min tries every means in order to get a divorce from Jee-su his wife while Jee-su tries everything to alter the decision of her husband. The divorce came and after which, Jae-min asks his mistress to tie the knot with him but his mistress declines. For the time being, Jee-su lives alone and runs a business when she gets acquainted with a cable TV producer named Do-yeon whom she has fallen in love with.Ironically, the wife of Do-yeon is the mistress of her husband Jae-min. â€Å"Jee-su, who was a victim to the infidelity of her husband, now becomes the afflicter, and the four people get entangled in complicated love relationships†. This narrative, according to the producers, will offer an occasion for fully grown people to bring to mind their lives after marriage.Nevertheless, in contrast to â€Å"My Rosy Life†, which culminates with remorse and a recuperated marriage, â€Å"The Other Woman† inflames the audience with a lot of complex adulterous love affairs. It is safe to proclaim that up to date motion pictures and dramas have had triumph with traitorous themes.Surprisingly, however, in contrast to the triumph that these South Korean dramas and films with adulterous content experience, adulterous relationships perpetrated in actuality are dealt with seriously by the South Korean government. In connection with this, Jack Kim in his write-up, Jail for Adultery Law Upheld, asserts that the highest court of South Korea has upheld a n adultery law that is decades-old.The said adultery law can imprison guilty persons due to the commission of illicit or adulterous love affairs. Some people, however, say that such fact pertaining to imprisonment due to defiance of the adultery law is â€Å"anachronistic and infringes on personal freedom†. According to Jack Kim in his write-up, the court declares that the lawful observation of the general public that â€Å"adultery is damaging to the social order and infringes on the rights of another continues to be effective†.The legal battle began when the lawyers for actress Ok Bo-kyung made an appeal in January of 2008 in connection to the chaotic divorce arrangements that Ok Bo-kyung and her husband had entered into. Ok Bo-kyung disclosed that she indeed had an extramarital affair; nevertheless she accused her husband as an inadequate spouse.â€Å"The adultery law †¦ has degenerated into a means of revenge by the spouse, rather than a means of saving a mar riage,† the petition of Ok Bo-kyung had said. The adultery law was passed by the South Korean government in 1953 for the purpose of protecting women. Kim further disclosed that â€Å"in this male-dominated society, women had little recourse against a husband who had an affair.Back then, if a wife walked out of a marriage, she would often end up alone and penniless†. Currently, it is infrequent for unfaithful spouses to be imprisoned but such fact has not prevented lots of furious spouses from initiating criminal complaints every year. Indeed, it is clear by scrutinizing the circumstances at hand, that the adultery law of South Korea has a very righteous and noble objective which is that of safeguarding the marital rights of women and deferring unfaithful husbands from committing adultery.It is also obvious however, that although the law has been utilized towards that end, it has also been utilized towards other aims such as seeking retribution and justice.The diverse Ea st Asian films and other creative efforts that were dealt with that contained betrayal and adulterous subject matters can be utilized to explore how these films and artistic works reflect the viewpoint of a particular country on adultery and more importantly the character of the people in a particular country.To start with, it is relevant to point out the piece of writing entitled, Film View; What’s Adultery? A Little Sex, A Lot of Politics which is written by Caryn James. James, in her writing states that it is significant to examine what several film makers are doing for adultery at present. No less than eight movies from seven nations have provided a notion of betrayal around the globe in the past days.James pointed out that it is a clearly identifiable indication of a tumultuous â€Å"social era†. The film â€Å"Ju Duo† which is set in China in the 1920’s has a familiar storyline which is that of an arranged marriage between an adolescent girl and an elder man.The arranged marriage directs the adolescent woman to commit infidelity which unfortunately leads to murder. The Japanese film â€Å"The Sting of Death† on the other hand, illustrates a woman who realizes the adultery committed by her husband and goes crazy. James, in his writing cleverly pronounces that films like â€Å"Ju Duo†, â€Å"The Sting of Death† as well as the manuscript entitled, â€Å"Bound Feet and Western Dress† bring to the fore conjugal faithlessness to an imaginative and creative aspiration.James said that â€Å"in all these films, adultery is more than a matter of love or passion†. These films use the account of the marriage and adultery of a person to unveil societal insincerity in order to examine and condemn â€Å"one of the most crucial standards by which any culture lives†.â€Å"Most often, infidelity becomes a symbolic act of rebellion against the traditional social order†. Simply put, the diverse Eas t Asian movies particularly those in China that has adultery as their main theme are utilized by filmmakers in order to demonstrate their condemnation and disapproval of the existence of arranged marriages as part of the culture and common practices in China.Their disapproval on arranged marriages is being manifested in a subtle and imaginative fashion.Every East Asia film on adultery has been dealt with in a manner attributable to the â€Å"cinematic style† of each country in order to portray exceptionality and to present an informative â€Å"cross-cultural view†. In movies such as â€Å"Ju Dou†, adulterous conduct is unequivocally illustrated as a brave opposition against obsolete and old-fashioned practices. James said that these movies enlighten viewers of zeal and aggression, but they are more concerned with societal commentary.In the film â€Å"Ju Dou†, every ensuing behaviour of the main character named Ju Dou rebels the common practices of China t hat fastens her to an abusive spouse. â€Å"The affair and illegitimate son she has with Tian Qing are both symbolic and personal†. The abusive husband, so despicable that he attempts to kill the child, symbolizes the wicked traditions (and in addition the Chinese government dominion) that have held China back.When the wicked husband dies, a family leader calls upon the prehistoric ideas and evicts Tian Qing. â€Å"Challenging such rigid social patterns is both heroic and tragic and in this context, the persistent love between Ju Dou and Tian Qing is as much a failed social rebellion as it is a private passion†. James further said that in films such as â€Å"Ju Dou, the movie producer feels sorry for seditious lovers, whose ardent opposition to tradition bears figurative credence.The other personalities in the movie who contest the arranged marriage and the penalty for adultery are likewise tough characters. Nevertheless, the insurgence falls short, leading to a berea vement that functions as a powerful condemnation of obsolete common practices for its own sake. The film â€Å"The Sting of Death†, on the other end, is much more unequivocal in its utilization of adulterous theme as a ‘social metaphor’.â€Å"The film uses the medium of the relationship of a husband and wife to graphically depict the character of the Japanese people in the post war era†.The wife in this story married a soldier about to be sent to battle. This movie does not portray an arranged marriage but it is one that is â€Å"coloured by the exigencies of war and nationalism† and â€Å"when she discovers his infidelity after ten years of marriage and two children, the screen overflows with his guilt, her obsessive recriminations and mutual threats of suicide†.Certainly, the various East Asia movies and creative works that were scrutinized in this composition reflect the objective of the movie producers in creating such films with adultero us subject matters. These movie producers want to make a virulent statement towards the government of the country where they inhabit.These movie makers used artistic mechanisms to display their condemnation of a certain rigid societal pattern or to display their abhorrence or adoration to adultery itself and finally to demonstrate their deliberation on the quality of the people in a particular country specially those countries wherein which adulterous relationship is rampant. Works CitedCollemine, Cedric. â€Å"Adultery is Secret of Dramas’ Success†. December 2, 2005. .Hays, Jeffrey. â€Å"Adultery and Bigamy in China†. April 2010. .James, Caryn. â€Å"Film View; What’s Adultery? A Little Sex, A Lot of Politics†. October 14, 1990. .Kim, Jack. â€Å"Jail for Adultery Law Upheld†. October 30, 2008. .ThinkExist, â€Å"Meaning of Adultery†. 2010. TKL, â€Å"In the Mood for Love†. 2008. <>.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Belle Technologies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Belle Technologies - Essay Example The engineers were also irritated with his obsessive ness with perfection even when it was not required like the diction, fonts etc. of written documents. All this worked against him and despite being the most loyal employee of the company; he did not receive good appraisals from his subordinates and was finally demoted. A: Hersey and Blanchard would never say that Derek is leading the newly hired engineers properly because the approach they believe in and the approach Derek applied was totally different. Though Derek expected greatness from his new recruits he purposely maintained a distance from them because he believed that its better if they learn on their own. Whereas Hersey and Blanchard thought that the recruits are in the R1 stage and the leader should use the telling style of leadership and take time out as much as possible to tell them what to do and give specific directions on how to proceed and complete the work satisfactorily. A: Hersey and Blanchard would not agree with Derek's leadership of the experienced engineers. Derek believed in supervising them in every step of their work. According to him he checked with them as much as six times a day to see whether everything is going well or not. This naturally irritated the engineers a lot. On the other hand Hersey and Blanchard believed that at this stage the experienced workers should be allowed to work on their own as much as possible and give them advice and suggestions when they really require it. This way they will feel that they are worthy enough to be trusted completely. Q.4 Now that they have a new manager, Sinha, how do you think the new engineers ought to be led Your recommendations A: The new manager Sinha should follow Hersey and Blanchard's approach of leadership. He should understand that the new recruits are fresh out of college and would require time, encouragement and guidance to understand work. They are in the R1 stage, which is the telling stage from the leadership point of view. Therefore Sinha should not wait for them to ask questions, as they might be skeptical and conscious that whether they are asking the right questions or not. So Sinha should resort to one-way communication and keep directing them from time to time about what is required and also, guide them on how to go about it. Q.5 Now that they have a new manager, Olin, how do you think the experienced engineers ought to be led Your recommendations A: The experienced engineers should be left alone. With experience they have become experts in their fields and they very well know how to do their work. Unnecessary interference will irritate them and they might even gossip on their leader's back. All this might affect the leadership position of the leader negatively. Therefore advice should be given when really required. They must be led by thrusting complete trust on their abilities. The leader should always be available to them and should not be too task centered. The leader should create a more participating and friendly atmosphere to successfully lead this group.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Determining the truth value of a statement Essay

Determining the truth value of a statement - Essay Example In this light, meaning is not limited to the reference of a term; rather, it involves the aspects of both sense and reference. Furthermore, Frege claims that in the context of a sentence, the sense is its â€Å"thought† while the reference is its â€Å"truth-value.† Herein, Frege clarifies how the sense of a given term should relate to its reference. Frege claims that a term that has a reference necessarily has a sense, but a term that has a sense need not have a reference. Hence, phrases such as the â€Å"King of France† are still meaningful, for they do have a sense. However, Frege contends that in the context of a sentence, such as â€Å"The present King of France is Bald,† it does not have a truth-value, i.e. it is neither true nor false. But doesn’t this manner of explicating non-referring terms lead to a rejection of the law of excluded middle? Russell’s Theory of Definite Descriptions Unlike Frege, Russell basically maintains a referen tial theory of meaning, for he believes that the difficulties attributed to this theory are results of the failure to distinguish between the grammatical structure and the logical structure of language. According to Russell’s theory, a linguistic expression, because of its grammatical form, may be taken as a referring expression. And because it is so taken, we may think that for it to be meaningful, it is necessary that it should have a reference, such that if that reference cannot be found in this world, it must be of another world. The point of Russell is that this referring expression, once analyzed logically, may not turn out to be a referring expression at all; and being such, the necessity of attributing a reference to it, to account for its meaning, simply vanishes. Definite descriptions are linguistic expressions that are taken as referring expressions in their grammatical form, but in their logical form, they are predicate expressions. They are of the form â€Å"the so and so;† they begin with the definite article â€Å"the† which makes them identify one and only one entity in the world. Moreover, Russell analyzes certain logical puzzles to show that ordinary grammar is a poor guide when it comes to determining what exists in the world. In this essay I shall discuss one of the puzzles raised by Russell. The Puzzle: The Present King of France is Bald? The puzzle concerns the following statement: â€Å"The present King of France is bald.† If we ask whether this sentence is true or false, since there is at present no King of France, the most natural thing to say is that it is false. But supposing we negate it; thus: â€Å"The present King of France is not bald.† Still this is false by virtue of the fact that there is at present no such â€Å"King of France.† But how can a statement and its negation both be false at the same time? Consider another statement, â€Å"The cat is on the mat.† If this is false, t hen surely its negation, â€Å"The cat is not on the mat,† is true. But it seems that this does not work in the former statement. If we translate the original statement â€Å"The present King of France is bald† into its logical form; thus: â€Å"There is at least one x, such that x is the present King of France, and X is bald,† we can clearly see that we can negate the statement in the following manner: â€Å"There is at lea